In the previous part [
make money with ClickBank part 1] I introduced ClickBank and outlined tips on how to choose the best products to promote. In this second lesson--which will hopefully gives you a better understand of what I’m trying to share with you--I will provide advices on a strategic level and talk about some of the best promotion tactics.
If your goal is to make money with ClickBank, you will have to do some research and plan your strategy. The key [or should I say the real “secret”] to making money with ClickBank is a good strategy backed with actions, determination and a bit of dedication. Indeed, it takes some time and effort to successfully market with ClickBank. This, however, does not mean you need to be a full-time affiliate in order to earn with ClickBank. There is a lot of people who have full-time jobs and still find the time to do some online marketing. So it all depends on your willingness to devote some of your spare time to attaining this goal. And since your way to earning with ClickBank is a process of trial and error, I would recommend you test different marketing strategies (not just the ones listed here), and proceed to selecting and combining the most effective ones so that you may develop a better approach to ClickBank Marketing and build an effective strategy. This said, let’s begin.
Conversion rate
This is something you need to keep in mind before and while running your marketing campaign. Conversion rate is the percentage of hops or visitors that convert into sales. In other words, if you promote a ClickBank product that converts at approximately 1%, you will need at least 100 hops to make a sale. The conversion rate of a product can help you estimate how much you can earn depending on the number of hops you receive for that product (my highest converting product right now is about 1.8%).
How to Know the Conversion Rate
The conversion rate depends on many different factors. For instance, two affiliates promoting the same product, but with different approaches are unlikely to have the same conversion rate, and consequently won't get the same result. Therefore, a product that worked for me won't necessarily work the same way for you since it's difficult to know its conversion rate with accuracy. This is why, in general, the best way to know how a product converts is to test it yourself and analyze the data using ClickBank Analytics. Nonetheless, You can get a good conversion rate if (1) the sale page of the product is good, (2) you get a laser-targeted traffic, (3) and your presell is good.
Now what do I mean by “laser-targeted traffic”? One of the most important things in online marketing is to figure out what exactly people are looking for and then provide it for them. For example, if there’s a huge demand for a particular product, all you have to do is find what and where the starving audience (target traffic or target audience) is. Once you know that, the next step is to capitalize on that specific opportunity by sending the traffic to where you can market the product to them.
How to Promote ClickBank Products
There are paid methods and free ones. I usually don’t pay for promotion or advertising. My hops are generated purely from free traffic. Nonetheless, I have to admit that paid advertising is more efficient, much faster and requires less work. So If you’re a noob or have a small budget, I would recommend that you start with free methods and progressively work your way up to the top.
I. Promote ClickBank Products with Adwords
This is without a doubt one of the fastest ways to make money with ClickBank. The idea is to create a domain with a landing page, and then pay Adwords to send some target traffic. The purpose of the landing page is to convince the customer to buy the product by getting him/her excited or emotionally involved. Your domain should include (but should not be limited to) a promotional review, your encrypted hoplink, and of course, proof that the product actually works.
One of the advantages of advertising with Adwords is that you don’t have to worry about your rankings since your ad positioning entirely depends on the terms or keywords you target. So If you are familiar with online marketing, you should know by now you will have to do your keyword research as well using the Adwords keyword tool.
1. Choose the right product
2. Do a keyword research to estimate how much you can possibly spend for the promotion on a daily basis
3. Set up your landing page
4. Run a good Adwords campaign
5. Monitor your progress, test different landing page designs, and opt for the one that converts the best
II. Email Marketing
With this method you can promote products to hundreds and thousands of customers at once by sending out tons of emails using an email marketing service or an email autoresponder service. This is what’s known as email marketing or email promotion and internet marketing automation. I’m sure most of you receive promotional emails every once in while. So you pretty much have an idea of what I’m talking about.
Before launching an email marketing campaign, it’s crucial to first build an email list. In other words, You need to collect as many emails as you can. There are many ways of doing it. For example, You can use pop up ads on your site that promote your free ebook. This would require the visitors to enter their emails before downloading a copy of the ebook. Having an idea of what the visitors may be interested in since they’ve downloaded your ebook (remember what I’ve said earlier about target audience), You can then promote products by sending them promotional emails.
Below are some paid email marketing services:
You can also try these two free email marketing services:
III. Promote Clickbank Products with free blogs (article marketing)
Free methods usually mean that you have to invest more time and effort working. For this method, the idea is to (1) select 5 to 10 ClickBank products, (2) do a keyword research, (3) write 2 or more articles for each product, and (4) post them on multiple free blogs (using Blogger or Wordpress). The ideal is to target small niches and focus on getting high in the searches.
IV. Promote ClickBank Products with article directories
This is another type of article marketing. It requires a lot of patience and months of solid work.
1. Choose 5 or more ClickBank products
2. Do a keyword research
3. Write as many articles as you can for each product every day
4. Publish your articles on as many article directories as possible
5. Re-direct your readers to either the vendor’s page or your landing page
Here is a list of some article directories:
V. Promote ClickBank Products with ebooks
You can write little ebooks in which you provide useful information and promote products at the same time. You can then submit them to as many ebook directories as possible.
Here a list of some ebook directories:
VI. Promote ClickBank products with Youtube videos and others (internet video marketing)
I’ve covered this topic before in some of my previous posts. Promoting with Youtube is without a doubt a good way of making money online; however, it’s little harder to find a target audience since most people on youtube are just casual viewers. I’ve experienced ups and downs with this strategy. One of the advantages of video marketing is that you don’t really have to create your own videos. For instance, it’s possible to download any Youtube Video, edit it and re-upload it on multiple accounts.
1. Find a niche that you can market on Youtube
2. Find a related ClickBank product
3. Search for videos that you can use to promote that product and download them
4. Re-upload re-edited versions of those videos or upload review videos
5.Include your hoplink in the descriptions of each video and disguise it using tinyurl
6. Create annotations with little messages to show viewers where to click
Other methods:
- Promote with forums
- Promote with Google groups
- Promote with Hugpages, squidoo, etc.
Note: For those of you who have signed up to ClickBank and haven’t noticed yet, it’s now possible to change your ClickBank password. Also, you can now know how many people actually click your Hoplinks using the recently-introduced ClickBank analytics!
ClickBank Dormant Account (Important)
If you haven’t made your first sale yet, your account is considered dormant. After 90 days of no earning, your account will subject to a charge of $1 per day. So my advice would be to do your best to at least make your first sale because you will be charged more after a longer period of time ($5 per day after 180 days, and $50 after 360 days).
I will finish this post by encouraging you to experiment and wishing you a good day. Thanks for reading…
Read part 3